Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Finding Out......

For the last few years, I have been trying to put together a “LARGE SCALE CHARITY EVENT PLANNING SERVICE” to raise money to aid our Returning Injured War Heroes. This organization has gone through it’s ups and downs, successes and failures, But this is all part of the learning process of what all is required to assemble this new organization.
In the beginning, while I was watching the DR. PHIL SHOW, I noticed that this particular episode was about our Troops. This sparked my interest, Being a Navy Veteran, I was Interested in our Young men & women of our US Armed Forces. We all have our different opinions of how our Warriors are being treated, both at war and at home. So for me to add anything on this topic would be too political. We’ll just agree that CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE FOR OUR TROOPS AND HONORED VETERANS. This episode of the Dr. Phil show SPOTLIGHTED on how we, as a nation, need to rally up and help our heroes in any way we can. I watched the show, from start to end and “I AM HERE TO TELL YA, MY LIFE, THAT DAY, WAS CHANGED FOREVER”. Something Inside me Just CLICKED. I’ve not been the same since. This was in Late 2008.
A little history lesson on my youth, (Don’t worry, it’ll come around, so please bear with me a bit). You see, from the time I was able to walk, and was allowed to walk my neighborhood, (Say really about age 9 or 10), I have been CHARITY-DRIVEN, Even at that young age and I never really gave it much thought. You see, I am only 1 year older than the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon For M.D.A. I grew up with this, every year televised event. At age 9 or 10, I began, what other kids we’re doing across the country. I began my COFFEE-CAN CAMPAIGN in my neighborhood. You know the story. Little kid, with one of mom & Dads old coffee cans, with M.D.A. Crayoned all over it. I was so proud. Thus began my yearly DOOR-TO-DOOR Campaign. People In my Neighborhood New, When it came TELETHON TIME, I would be there with my trusty Coffee can. As the years went by, my campaign kinda fizzled out and I started hosting Jerry Lewis Backyard Carnivals. The years passed and my carnivals grew and grew, Until I Joined the Navy in 1981 - 1984.
After my tour of duty was complete, I started working at  jobs as a Custom Home builder with my Family. Then had their own Construction company Outside of Indianapolis. Well, this was great, with one problem…..WINTER. There would be so little work for framers in the harsh Indiana winters. So, I had to find my employ elsewhere. So off to Indy (Indianapolis) I went, to seek my winter employment. I would spend days upon days, (as is the Norm for an active Job seeker, We’ve all been there). Then, right there, right in front of me, in the most downtown part of Indy…….POSSIBLE EMPLOYMENT. I had heard stories of how MARKET SQUARE ARENA (The Old Home Of the INDIANA PACERS BASKETBALL TEAM), Would Hire for event set-up and clean up. So I happened inside. Filled out application and was Hired on the spot. Thus, began my many years of OJT, (on the Job Training), in the Event Planning Field. I worked my way from a laborer, (Setting up the basketball floor, Ice Hockey Rink, Concert Stages, Truck & Tractor Shows, Rodeo’s, Ect..), to running the Zamboni Machine, (cleans the Ice rink). I would learn from my boss everything I could about Planning an event at the arena. Soon, I knew, and I filed all this away for later use (Hopefully). Well, I went from working at the arena to working for a company called INDY SET-UP. They handled setting up all the events at the Indiana State Fair & Fairgrounds, The Pepsi Coliseum, and the R.C.A. DOME (Hoosier Dome, Home Of the Colts football team). Still, More OJT. I worked there for a Number of years. Then, I Lost my Mom………….WOW!!!
You see, I was Raised in SW Ohio, and Moved to Indy after the service. Mom and Dad Remained In Ohio. My Brother contacted me and I Immediately rushed home. I did the usual routine, when facing a funeral, But, there was something missing…..MOM. My Friend.
I moved back home to take care of my dad. Upon Moving back home I received and worked at several different Construction Companies, Each paid more than the previous. This Lead me to Dayton, Ohio and…..WINTER, (Not another winter). Here I go again. Singing: “A HUNTING I’LL GO, A HUNTING I’LL GO”…LOL!!! There was HARA ARENA in Dayton. I applied, I received, and I was again employed in the Event Industry. I worked at Hara Arena and I also started working (at the same time) at the ERWIN J. NUTTER CENTER as a grunt. More OJT.
Well, for some reason, this grew tiring and I wanted, (or needed) a change. So I got My C.D.L.-A Tractor-trailer License. I Drove Semi since 1998. Hauled everything there is to haul, (except Cars). One Day, while Working as a STEEL-HAULER Out of my Local Steel Mill, I got Seriously Injured. Long story short on that. I’ll Never drive a truck, or lift anything heavy ever again. I Loved Truck Driving. I miss it a lot.
This brings us to the part of the story where I promised it would come around. Well, I am not the type to sit around in self Pity. Instead, I figured that God, In his almighty wisdom, that I don’t dare question, Took WORK OUT OF MY LIFE (At least for now). I don’t have to worry about the 9-5 routine, or trucking Hours. The wife and I are Very secure. We have our bills paid and are happy. If the Dr. won’t release me to ever go back to work, (which I’ve tried to cheat the system several times on that. It would just end up worse in the long run. I WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK, But the Doctors see otherwise, so I must make the best of it. Anyway, Not sitting in despair and self pity, I decided to do something Positive with my Life. Helping others. I took all this OJT training and started putting it into play. Forming my MAGIC MEMORIES org. (That never really saw the light of day, But I Learned a lot of valuable lessons). I tried Various name changes and organization restructuring, but, to no avail. Now, I have a problem. I have all this (Useless) On the job training (OJT), and nothing seems to be going as planned. Maybe this isn’t the Plan God has laid out for me. maybe I am going at it in the wrong way. So I took a year off and thought and thought and thought and thought.
Here we go….About Mid -June 2011, I was doing some Research on my computer for a possible New Event project, When…….WHAT….WHAT WAS THIS? WAIT..BACK UP…HOLD ON. AM I READING THIS RIGHT?
Somehow, and I really don’t exactly remember who, what or where, I stumbled upon a story about a Captured US Serviceman by the name of BOWE BERGDAHL. I had never heard of this, and I pay attention to the news and media. I started Researching this BOWE Fella. I just couldn’t stop. I did more and more and more research. It got to the point “I NEEDED TO KNOW IT ALL”. You see, I was Navy and Bowe is Army, But we are MILITARY BROTHER’S. I NEEDED TO KNOW EVERYTHING. I started asking my friends on Facebook about Bowe, “Have you heard of this BOWE BERGDAHL?? I was SHOCKED….OMG, so far, no one knows anything…”HOW CAN THIS BE”?? I started asking people at the grocery store and gas stations and local general stores and places…..”NO ONE KNEW ANYTHING AT ALL”!!!
I kept wondering: “WHAT IF THIS WAS MY SON”?? I would go to the very ends of the Earth and beyond to get answers. I started wondering how Bowe’s family must feel. What they must be going through. But, the fact still remained: “I NEEDED ANSWERS AND I NEED THEM NOW”!!!
After Failing to locate anyone who knew anything, I figured I’d start a Facebook Page on Bowe. I had done my research. There are a number of pages and sites dedicated to Bowe, But, it seems that in Mid 2010….he just fell from view. Why was this?? Why is there nothing in the mainstream media?? Why doesn’t anyone seem to know anything?? Why am I not seeing any YELLOW RIBBONS in support of our ONLY CAPTURED WAR HERO?? Why this and why that….so many unanswered Questions. Frustrated..yes. So I refer back to the Facebook Page: “CAPTURED IN AFGHANISTAN….BRING BOWE BERGDAHL HOME”. I did this for a couple of reasons. You see, in my structuring of my organizations, I had become proficient in Facebook page and Group and Cause Building. I also learned how to utilize the Website building Templates (fill in the blank website creator’s, as I call them). So I built the Page in hopes that there MUST BE SOMEONE ELSE WHO KNOWS SOMETHING!!!
I never expected it to ever become more than just a CHAT-ROOM on Bowe, But I possibly would finally get the answers I NEED.
To my utter surprise, people from all over the nation started picking up on this. 5 people, then 10. then 25, then 100 ….WHAT?? These weren’t people just surfing the net and stopping by to check out the page and then move on. All requesting to be members??? Members to WHAT?? I just needed someone to chat with, someone who knew ANYTHING. Now all these people, asking to become MEMBERS?? of course, sure, the more the merrier. Maybe one or more of these kind folks would be able to help?? (question mark)?
Now, here is the SAD but funny thing about this…..WE WERE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT!! They were looking at ME FOR ANSWER’S……”WHAT”?? I was being informed that they didn’t even know anything about BOWE until they saw this page, and Like me, THEY WANT ANSWERS TOO!! A few days goes by and the membership keeps climbing and climbing..WOW!!
One evening, while working on this page for Bowe, I received a CHAT MESSAGE: “WOULD YOU LIKE THIS TO GO VIRAL”??? That’s all it said. “VIRAL..WHAT IN THE _ _ _ _ is VIRAL”? (Remember the mindset of an out-of-work truck driver, I didn’t know a VIRAL). So I said SURE BUDDY….HMMPH, WHAT-EVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT. I continued on, never giving this another thought. Then the next night comes and another mysterious CHAT: “ARE YOU SURE”??? Huh? Wha ?? O.K., I’ll play. I replied SURE YES, YES, YES!! Still not knowing what is possibly going on, If anything,(buncha kooks out there, gotto beware).
OMG…AND WOW…AND HOLY _ _ _ _!!!! (Fill it in…LOL). The very next morning, my little CHAT ROOM had started to really grow, GINORMOUS!!! Huge…Big in Fact. Wow. I remembered: “ARE YOU SURE”? Ok Buddy, we’re gonna talk now, I am making FIRST CONTACT, (Inside Joke).
So I did, and in doing this, I started to meet some of THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE (and new friends) ON EARTH. I must apologize for the KOOKS comment of earlier. These, new friends, were DEFINITELY NOT KOOKS AT ALL. These people ARE GREAT, FANTASTIC AND AN AWESOME GROUP OF PEOPLE I HAVE EVER KNOWN. Though, we have only known ABOUT AND OF each other for about a month now, I most definitely feel a closeness to them all, like I’ve never known. We all share a common bond. We all, Everyone of us, (Our group), Want to do whatever we can to Comfort and ease the Bergdahl Family, while not ever getting in their way or in their face. That is most definitely Not what this is about, and we want to help to make the Public aware of the fact “WE HAVE A CAPTURED WAR HERO AND NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW…….THIS WILL NOT DO”!!! (I Love you guy’s, each and every one)!!
Now, This Page, I created to try to get answers, has now become a FULL BLOWN SUPPORT GROUP, With many ADMINISTRATORS and MEMBERS. Each administrator adds something new to the group. They add a TALENT we need to ensure the organized and planned success of this page and group. I applaud each Administrator and their given talents. ‘We will add their collective consciousness to our own” (Inside Joke).

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